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Diet and
Heart Disease - Redefining the good life
About Miss Noreen Aslam
A person's diet has a strong influence on three of the major risk factors for heart attack
-- high blood cholestrol, high blood pressure and excess body weight. Healthy food habits
helps to reduce risk of stroke, because heart disease and high blood pressure are major
risk factors for stroke.
A heart-healthy diet consists of making the
right daily food choices that add up to a lifetime of good dietary habits.
Eat less fat, saturated fat, and Cholestrol
*A diet high in fat, particularly saturated fat,
raises blood cholestrol level and contributes
to obesity.
* A high cholestrol intake can also increase blood
cholestrol level. So cholestrol intake
should be limited by restricting consumption of egg yolks, meats and organ meats.
* Include fat-free and low-fat milk products,
skinless poultry and lean meats.
Know your fats?
Cholestrol is a fatty substance found in animal
foods (meat, poultry, egg yolks, whole milk, cheese, ice cream, butter).
High density Lipoprotein (HDL) is a type of
cholestrol that may protect against heart disease (good cholestrol).
Low density Lipoprotein (LDL) is a harmful type of
cholestrol that deposits on artery walls and increases the risk of heart disease (bad
Monosaturated fat is a type of unsaturated fat
that lowers blood cholestrol. It is found in olive oil and peanut oil.
Polysaturated fat is a vegetable fat that lowers
total blood cholestrol. It is found in cottonseed, soyabean, sunflower and safflower oils.
Saturated fat is an animal fat that raises total
blood cholestrol. It is found in hydrogenated vegetable fats, coconut and palm oils, cocoa
butter, meat fat, whole milk, butter cream and fatty cheese.
Triglycerides are fats in the blood that may
increase the risk of heart disease.
Eat more foods high in complex Carbohydrates and fiber
* Carbohydrate foods do
not increase total serum cholestrol and are less likely to
cause obesity than fatty foods.
* Complex carbohydrates
are especially good because they have a lot of nutrition
per calorie and are rich in vitamins and nutrients.
* They are also high in
the type of fiber (part of the plant body can't digest). Fiber
relieves constipation and lowers blood cholestrol levels.
Complex carbohydrates include grains, such
as wheat, rice, corn and their products such as cereals, breads and pasta; peas and beans
such as split peas, lentils, kidney beans and chick peas; and starchy vegetables such as
potatoes, yams and winter squashes.
* Research has suggested that people consuming a diet high in
complex carbohydrates can maintain or even lose weight while eating as much as they want
to of these foods. They don't count calories or portions and eat until they are full.
Researchers theorize that people consuming a diet high in these foods feel full and quit
eating before they have consumed too many calories. Just the opposite can happen with
foods high in fat. Since a lot of calories are contained in a small volume, you can eat
hundreds of calories in a very short period of time.
Eat more fish & chicken
* People who include
fish in their diets have a lower risk of heart disease. Because
they contain omega-3 fatty acids which help to prevent heart disease by
decreasing the tendency of platelets to clump & perhaps by lowering total serum
cholestrol as well.
* Use broil or baked
chicken because their fat burns up during cooking.
Eat less sugar & salt
* Refined sugars
(sucrose, dextrose, syrups and other sugar products) provide
empty calories, that is, they have no other beneficial nutrients. They contribute to
obesity since they are often consumed with fats in pies, pastries,cakes,cookies,
and candies.
* Hypertension (high
blood pressure) is more prevalent in population groups that
high levels of sodium.Always avoid to add additional salts in foods.
Some research suggests that it may take years for a high salt intake to cause
hypertension. So most people do not realize that their salt intake is harming their
Avoid Alcohol
* Too much alcohol is
associated with increased risk of hypertension.
* Alcoholic drinks are
empty calories and can thus contribute to obesity.
Concepts of New Millenium
* Make sure your diet
is well balanced and contain plenty of fiber.Eat plenty of raw
For protein eat broiled fish, chicken which are low in fat. Drink distilled
* Include garlic, onion
and lecithin effectively reduce serum cholestrol levels.
* Don't consume
stimulants, such as coffee and black tea that contain caffeine.
* Avoid tobacco &
* If you are taking
anticoagulant like aspirin, don't take supplemental Vitamin K.
* According to some
studies, magnesium supplementation can correct some types of
irregular heart beat & could save the life of many people with heart trouble.
* Don't consume
chocolates, sugars, animal butter, hydrogenated oils and refined
foods, soft drinks and spicy foods.
Life Style changes
* Keep your weight
down. Obesity and high blood pressure are risk factors for
heart attacks. Get regular moderate exercise. Caution:
if you are over 35 and/or
have been sedentary for sometime, consult with your health
care provider
before begining an exercise program.
* A walking, swimming
or other aerobic exercise started gradually and consistently
will greatly improve the physical conditioning of the heart.
* Avoid stress and
learn stress management techniques such as progressive
relaxation, mediation or guided imagery.
* If you experience any
of the symptoms of a heart attack, contact your doctor or
go immediately to the emergency room of the nearest hospital, even if symptoms
last only for few minutes. Half of all heart attack deaths occur within 3 to 4 hours
of the onset of the attack, so a person suffering from a heart attack requires
immediate medical attention.
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Pakistan Dietetic
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