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Important Definitions in Qisas & Diyat Ordinance
It means a person who has attained, being a male the age of 18 years or being female age
of 16 years or has attained puberty which is earlier.
It means compensation specified in the chapter XVI of Qisas & Diyat Ordinance to be
paid by the offender to the victim or his heirs.
It means a medical officer/ medical board howsoever designated, authorised by Provincial
It means compensation determined by court to be paid by the offender to the victim for
causing hurt not liable to Arsh.
It means compensation specified in section 323, payable to the heirs of the victim by the
It means causing death of a person.
It means punishment other than qisas, diyat,arsh or daman.
It means person entitled to claim qisas.
Sec 300. Qatl-I-Amd
Whoever with the intention of causing death or with the intention of causing bodily injury
to a person,by doing an act which in ordinary course of nature is likely to cause death,
or with the knowledge that his act is so imminently dangerous that it must in all
probability cause death, causes of death of such an individual is said to commit
Punishment : whoever commits qatl-I-amd shall subject to
· Punished with death as qisas.
· Punished with death or imprisonment for life as tazir.
· Punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to 25
years, where according to the Injunctions of Islam of qisas is not applicable.
Sec 315. Qatl Shibh-I-Amd
Whoever with the intent to cause harm to the body or mind of any person causes the death
of that or of any other person by means of a weapon or act which in the ordinary course of
nature is not likely to cause death is said to commit qatl shibh-I-amd.
Punishment : whoever commits qatl shibh-I-amd shall be liable to Diyat and may
also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term upto 14 years as
Sec 318. Qatl-I-Khata
Whoever without any intention to cause the death of or cause harm to, a person , causes
death of such a person either by mistake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit
qatl-I-khata .
Punishment : whoever commits qatl-I-khata shall be liable to Diyat provided
that, where qatl-I-khata is committed by any rash or negligent driving, the offender may
in addition to Diyat be also punished with imprisonment of either description for a term
which may extend to 5 years as tazir.
Sec 321. Qatl-bis-Sabab
Whoever without any intention to cause death of or cause harm to, any person does any
unlawful act which becomes cause of death for another person, is said to commit
Punishment : whoever commits qatl-bis-sabab shall be liable to Diyat.
· Court shall be subject to Injunctions of Islam s laid down by Holy Quran and Sunnah and
keeping in view the financial position of the convict and heirs of the victim, fix value
of diyat which shall not be less than 170,610 ( one hundred, seventy thousand, six hundred
and ten rupees) being value of 30.630 gm of silver.
· For the purposes of above section federal government by notification in the official
Gazette, declare value of silver on first day of july each year.
Sec 332. HURT
Whoever causes pain, harm, disease, infirmity or injury to any person or impairs, disables
or dismembers any organ of the body or part thereof of any person without causing his
death, is said to cause hurt.
· Itlaf-I-udw
· Itlaf-I-salahiyat-I-udw
· Shajjah
· Jurh
· All kinds of other hurts.
Sec 333. Itlaf-I-udw
Whoever dismembers, amputates, serves any limb or organ of another person is said to cause
Punishment : whoever by doing an act, with the intention of thereby causing
hurt to any person or with the knowledge that he is likely thereby to cause hurt to any
person or with the knowledge that he is likely thereby to cause hurt to any person cause
itlaf-I-udw of any person shall in consultation with the authorised medical officer, be
punished with qisas and if the qisas is not executable keeping in view principles of
equality in accordance with Injunctions of Islam, the offender shall be liable to arsh and
may also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend
to 10 years as tazir .
Sec 335. Itlaf-I-salahiyat-I-udw
Whoever destroys or permanently impairs the functioning power capacity of organ of the
body by another person, or causes permanent disfigurement is said to cause
Punishment: Whoeverby doing an act with the intention of causing hurt to any
person, causes itlaf-I-salahiyat-I-udw of any person, shall in consultation with the
authorised medical officer, be punished with qisas and if the qisas is not executable
keeping in view principles of equality in accordance with the Injunctions of Islam, the
offender will be liable to arsh and maybe punished with imprisonment of either description
for a term which may extend to 10 years as tazir .
Sec 337. Shajjah
Whoever causes, on the hand /face of any person, any hurt which does not amount to
Itlaf-I-udw or itlaf-I-salahiyat-I-udw is said to cause Shajjah. Following are the kinds
of shajjah:
· Shajjah-I-khafifah
Shajjah without exposing bone of the victim
· Shajjah-I-mudihah
Shajjah by exposing bone but without causing fracture.
· Shajjah-I-hashimah
Shajjah by fracturing the bone of victim without dislocating it.
· Shajjah-I-munaqqilah
Shajjah by causing fracture of the bone of the victim and dislocating it.
· Shajjah-I-ammah
Shajjah by causing fracture of the skull of the victim so that the wound touches membrane
of the brain.
· Shajjah-I-damighah
Shajjah by causing fracture of the skull of the victim and the wound rupture the membrane
of the brain.
Sec 337-B. Jurh
Whoever causes any part of the body of a person, other than the head or face , a hurt
which leaves a mark of the wound, whether temporary or permanent is said to cause jurh. It
is of two kinds:
Sec 337-C. Jurh Jaifah
Whoever causes jurh in which the injury extends to the body cavity of the trunk, is said
to cause jurh jaifah.
Sec 337-E. Jurh Ghayr Jaifah
Whoever causes jurh which does not account to jaifah, is said to cause ghayr-jaifah.
Following are the kinds of ghayr jaifah:
Damiyah ____________in which skin is ruptured and bleeding occurs.
Badiah _____________ by cutting /incising flesh without exposing bone.
Mutalahimah __________ by lacerating the flesh.
Hashimah ____________ by causing fracture of a bone without dislocating it.
Munaqilah ____________ by fracturing and dislocating the bone.
Punishment of other Hurt
Sec 337-L1. Whoever causes hurt, not mentioned here which endangers life or
which causes sufferer to remain in severe bodily pain for 20 days or more shall be liable
to daman and also be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may
extend to 7 years.
Sec 337-L2. Whoever causes hurt not covered by sub-section shall be punished
with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years or with
daman or with both.